The start of the design process is focused on a couple of essential parts: getting to know how our clients live in their homes and how they want their space to feel and look. Understanding and identifying these aspects early on with our clients, will help determine every design and decorating choice that is made.
The initial stage of our design process always starts with a consultation. It’s in our consultation, we get to know more about our clients and here are a few questions we ask our clients to kick start the process.
How do you live in your space? How can the space be made to “work” for you?
We like to understand and know how our clients live in their space. It is the people who determine the function - who lives in the house and how they use it. We also like to ask them or others living in the house to give us their wish list on how they want their space to work for them.
Photography: Heidi Lau Photo
How would you describe your design style?
Sometimes our clients know what their design style is and sometimes they don’t. We can sometimes tell by seeing what they gravitate to in their own style at home, however, it’s not always that simple. We like the clients to gather different inspirations and styles that draw their attention through pictures in magazines or through Pinterest. Once these have been gathered, we take the commonalities in each and put forward a design aesthetic early in the process to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Photography: Heidi Lau Photo
What do you currently love in your space? What would you like to see more of?
This allows us to consider the different aspects of their space we can work with and incorporate into the design. Some clients have special pieces they could not do without functionally or sentimentally and it is our job to take those pieces and incorporate them into the design as best as we can.
Photography: Heidi Lau Photo
What is not working in your space?
There are several aspects a client does not like in their space whether it be functionally or esthetically, and is usually the main reason why many decide to renovate. It’s always good to consider what doesn’t work for them. For example, maybe an existing stove in the middle of an island doesn’t function well for them and it just a matter of relocating. Regardless, knowing what doesn’t work for them is a good starting point for the design.
Photography: Heidi Lau Photo
What are the main goals for your project?
All clients have their wish list that will need to be prioritized based on budget and timelines. Some would like to see more storage for function, more light because they are north facing, open concept because the closed layout doesn’t work functionally for them, new furniture that will fit their lifestyle, and so on and so on. Regardless of their wish list, prioritizing in the beginning to determine what can or cannot be incorporated is essential.
Photography: Heidi Lau Photo
Are you ready to get started?